Garth Sundem

Published on Thursday, August 30, 2007 in , ,

After publishing Geek Logik, author Garth Sundem appeared on Good Morning America, to promote it. They took several people who were dealing with major life questions, and applied Garth's equations to their lives. The insights are quite interesting.

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The Phantom Tollbooth

Published on Friday, August 24, 2007 in , ,

This is the complete classic 1970 movie, The Phantom Tollbooth, in 2 parts. As you might guess from the Grey Matters site, the original book and this movie were a big influence on me.

It's simultaneously fun and makes a number of excellent points. Watch the entire movie while it is still available.

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Published on Wednesday, August 08, 2007 in , ,

This unknown gentleman from Ghana, identified only as “Computerman”, can recall the day of the week for any date given!

This is a classic memory feat that can be learned with enough practice. Check out my calendar blog posts, as well as my calendar videos for more information on this feat.

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Google Video