Memorizing Pi to 100 Digits

Published on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in , , , ,

This is a quick tutorial on how to memorize hundreds of digits of Pi, as originally taught in Arthur Benjamin's book, Secrets of Mental Math.

Before beginning, you should be familiar with both the Link System and Major/Peg System, as this video kind of glosses over them.

Here are the sentences used to remember the first 100 digits of Pi:

  • My turtle Pancho will, my love, pick up my new mover Ginger.
  • My movie monkey plays in a favorite bucket.
  • Ship my monkeypuppy Michael to Sullivan's backrubber.
  • A really open music video cheers Jenny F. Jones.
  • Have a baby fish knife so Marvin will marinate the goose chick.
To take these systems even farther, and to learn them in AND out of order, check out my 400 Digits of Pi tutorial in the Mental Gym.

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1 Response to Memorizing Pi to 100 Digits

12:56 PM

I made this video, and I made a mistake on one of the sentences: I said, "Ship my monkey Michael to Sullivan's back rubber", but it should have been "Ship my puppy Michael to Sullivan's back rubber". Puppy, not monkey. Sorry!