Tyson Mao: Rubik's Cube Behind the Back!

Published on Thursday, October 12, 2006 in , , ,

I've mentioned Tyson Mao before, when he solved a Rubik's Cube at a Giants game. He's back, and this time he's solving a Rubik's Cube behind his back!

He also mentions that he taught Will Smith how to solve a Rubik's Cube for the upcoming movie The Pursuit Of Happyness.

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3 Response to Tyson Mao: Rubik's Cube Behind the Back!

12:51 AM

Uh... YouTube is down right now, so I can't view the video, but I don't think that's me. I think that's Shotaro Makisumi.

5:17 PM

The video is back up, and should be viewable now.

In the video, the person doing the solving is introduced as "Tyson" from "Beauty and the Geek 2", mentions that they taught Will Smith how to solve the cube for the upcoming movie "The Pursuit of Happyness". Further, the person in the video bears a striking resemblance to the picture on your Xanga site ( http://photo.xanga.com/FiddleTFM/c1b9a88006967/photo.html ).

If I am in error, I apologize. However, everything in the video leads me to believe that it is you. Have you had a chance to watch and verify the video?

7:16 PM

Hey Scott,

Sorry about that. My computer still won't play the video, but now that you mention it, that is probably indeed me. I wasn't aware that someone had captured that on video.