At this writing, it seems as if the site is still being constructed. The only option currently available for contacting the author is through the blog comments. However, the offered services are well detailed.
On this appearance, Boris memorizes 5 unsolved Sudoku puzzles before going on the air. In the clip, he is shown 100 solved Sudoku puzzles, and is given only 4 minutes to identify at least 4 of the 5 memorized puzzles among them!
In the above video, Derren Brown demonstrates his photographic memory in a library. First, he recalls a particular selected word from the Oxford English dictionary, and then memorizes a randomly selected book to the point where he can recall the first sentence from each page.
Back in the late 80s and the early 90s, McDonald's ran one ad in which every item on the menu at the time was sung. Richard Troop remembers and can sing this jingle almost two entire decades later!
This particular footage aired just after his first failed attempt at breaking the North American record for reciting Pi from memory. As you'll see from the links above, however, he did later go on to break it less than 3 months later.
I've featured Michael Larson on here before, having to remove the entry when the video itself was removed. Michael Larson is the person who, in 1984, figured out and memorized the sequences of the lights on the "Press Your Luck" game show. This enabled him to both avoid losing turns and rack up over $110,000 in prizes! This feat is especially incredible considering that even the top champions on any game show went home with only around $40,000.
Naturally, CBS poured over the show to determine if he was somehow cheating. They did figure out that he memorized the board, but the CBS standards and practices committee ruled that he was only using legitimate information and must be paid. They also decided that the computer program running the board needed to be overhauled before the next show.
Published on Wednesday, October 04, 2006 in
This video features Anant Kasibhatla of the Indian company Memory Vision giving a lecture on memory technique in Malaysia. You can learn a great deal about the link system in this video, even though it's less than 12 minutes long. Once he gives the list of items to remember towards the end and reviews it, stop the video briefly and see if you can recall all of it!